Miss Mane Dame 2011


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Spokesmodel for Mane Dame magazine and Dare to be Different's Jewelry Collection

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Let Go to be Blessed!

For the past month, my blessings seem to have been stifled to me somehow. It was because I truly had not made peace of a situation that needed to be handled differently.

I tried to not cut ties with someone because I was told to not burn bridges with anyone for one and I could get discounted rooms through the hotel room they managed for two. However, it seemed like when ever I would see their name pop up on my phone or even  when I was logged onto one of my social media sites, I would get this very unsettling feeling in my heart and my stomach. You know that feeling you get when you look at someone that you just don't trust or respect anymore. That feeling was overriding the feeling of just letting it go and maintaining a working relationship. After pondering on it and seeing that my business seem to all but stop since I made this decision, I decided to cut those ties to make peace in my head and heart about it and move on for the sake of my business. Now, besides starting to feel a lot better about things, it looks like my business is starting to pick back up. I had to realize that gut feeling was God telling me to let it go. Keeping that person around is NOT benefiting me in the least. In fact, I was blocking my blessing because their season was over with me yet I kept them around me. 

As we transition into bigger and better things in our lives and careers people will also transition around us. The ones that have the best intentions for us will be closer to us while the ones that don't have the best intentions will either be a hand distance at all times or gone. It would be nice to take all the people we've shared great memories with along for the ride but when you are destined for something great and powerful, very few make that journey with you. For those that make it with you, cherish them. They were your real friends all along.

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