Miss Mane Dame 2011


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Spokesmodel for Mane Dame magazine and Dare to be Different's Jewelry Collection

Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Monday???? Happy Monday!!!!!

I absolutely love Monday!!! I know that many people wouldn't be able to think to say those words, let alone say it but I do! I love Monday because it puts you back in a more "proactive" mode.  You have to dig deep to regenerate that energy that has been stabilize from Saturday and Sunday. I see people out in their cars in unison driving to the same or similar locations in a race to beat the red lights, sneak over to the fast lane before the slower cars can go over there and slow everybody down, and get to their destinations first! Oh do I just love Monday!!!

I love my Monday morning walks. I am usually walking against the traffic and everyone is looking at me. I smile and wave at them. Some have their game faces on fully concentrated on getting to their destinations and don't even see my hand while other smile back and/or wave.

Monday should not get such a bad wrap but it does because for many Monday is a "game changer". No matter how much you see Monday coming and know that things "change" because of Monday it still gets a bad wrap!

I got a real good look at how people respond to change when facebook made those radical "changes". I'm not gonna lie. The ticker drove my eyeballs insane! What did I do? Found a way to hide that ticker... at least on one of my pages. I found that "hide sidebar" button on my personal page and Bam! Its gone! The change was still there but I "adjusted" to that change and quickly!

I love Mondays so much because I love "change". I love adjusting and maneuvering through "change". As a model that also carry multiple hats in business and as a mother, change is as close to me as God and my daughter.

The next time the alarm wakes you may be it be a clock, your trained brain, or that person kneeing you in your back on a Monday morning and you frown, ask yourself  "Why do you REALLY frown on Monday?" If it has anything to do with some form of a "change" then laugh at yourself! Monday didn't do anything to you so quit bullying up on Monday. Deal with the real corporate.... "Change" .

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